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The Purpose of Southland Bible Institute 
Over the last eighty-two years of ministry, the purpose of Southland Bible Institute has not changed.  Our school was founded in 1942 to help supply the area of Appalachia with trained "native" leadership.  We have been actively engaged in doing just that.  We specialize in the academic subjects which center on the Word of God. 
Our courses are designed to give each student proficiency in the study of the Bible by actual study of the Bible.  Constant contact with the Word of God gives the student a working knowledge of God's truth. 
     The wisdom of this approach is recognized by many missions, schools, and churches which seek our Bible Institute graduates because of the servant's heart that is developed. 
Practical Training 
In conjunction with the Bible courses, students study and practice the skills necessary to effectively communicate the truth of God's Word.  In this practical training, we are preparing students for Christian ministries in various settings and locations.  Our alumni are found in numerous foreign countries and across our own nation, including the hills of Appalachia. 
Students have ample time and opportunity to practice the principles they learn in the classroom as they participate in "real life" situations.  This immediate carry over is extremely important if effective training is to take place.
Leadership Development 
Training in this form develops leadership abilities in many of the students and prepares them for such ministries as planting churches, directing mission organizations and camps, and working in local churches and missions.  Other students go on to further their education, honing the basic skills learned at Southland and deeply  appreciate the stability learned in the Bible Institute setting.