STUDENT LIFE The student's life at Southland Bible Institute is designed
to encourage and to build self-discipline in each area of his personality. STANDARDS IN PERSONAL LIFE ![]() In order to grow in one's relationship with Jesus Christ, a daily
devotional habit must be cultivated. Each student is strongly
encouraged to set aside time daily for prayer and personal
Bible study. ![]() The local
church provides the expressional complement to the impressionable classroom study.
Members of the Southland family pledge to live lives of
obedience to the standards set forth in the Scriptures.
Faculty, staff, and the student body are expected to give
wholehearted allegiance to the high moral principles of
honesty, purity of speech, sobriety, sexual purity, and
separation from worldliness as found in God's Word. All sinful
acts, including prejudice based on race, sex, or social status,
are to be avoided.
Any member of the Southland family who violates these
Biblical principles of conduct may be counseled. If the
violation is corrected, the member will be allowed to continue
his relationship with the Institute. If counsel is rejected and
adherence to Biblical standards refused, the offending
member may be dismissed. Repeated violations of Biblical
standards of conduct may result in permanent dismissal from
Southland Bible Institute. STANDARDS IN THE CLASSROOM All students are expected to attend all class sessions having
completed the assignments due. We expect that both men
and women's attire be clean, neat, and modest at all times.
Further considerations are found in the Student Handbook.
STANDARDS IN SCHOOL HOUSING ![]() Southland Bible Institute provides housing for full-time single
resident students at a greatly reduced rate. The opportunity
to live in school housing and benefit from dorm and campus
living is a privilege, not a right. All full-time single students are
required to live in on-campus housing. Each student must
meet and keep the following conditions to remain in school
housing at the reduced rate:
1. be enrolled in, and passing a minimum of 10 semester
hours of classes.
2. be current in all school related payments.
3. be in accordance with the basic rules.
4. be active in required school activities, including but
not limited, to chapel.
5. pets are not allowed in school housing because of
health reasons. Service dogs are not pets and are
allowed. School housing is to be cared for in a manner worthy of the
Lord. Further considerations are found in the Student
A major part of Bible education can be learned only by
experience. Because this is true, each student is expected to
be ![]() |
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